My Volunteer Experience in Croatia with Impress Association


I’m Neis Lambert coming from France  and i’m volunteeering at Impress. Loving mutual aid and community development, I had the opportunity to participate in a volunteer program in Daruvar, Croatia, with the Impress association. This enriching experience allowed me to immerse myself in Croatian culture while contributing to the well-being of children. In this article, I share my adventure and the lessons I learned from it.

Impress is a dynamic association based in Daruvar, Croatia, dedicated to promoting the well-being of young people and fostering their personal development. Founded in 2010, Impress organizes various programs and events to support civic engagement, non-formal education, and cultural participation. The association collaborates with international volunteers to enrich its initiatives and offer diverse perspectives to the city’s youth.

During my volunteer work at Impress, I had the opportunity to get involved in various stimulating projects. I particularly participated in organizing educational workshops for young people, covering themes such as prevention, equality, solidarity, and respect for all. Additionally, I helped take photos for social media.

One of the most impactful projects for me was social media prevention in a school, aimed at warning them about the dangers of the internet. This project allowed me to develop my English management skills and helped me overcome my shyness, while having a positive impact on teenagers. We also went to schools to train majorettes and took photos and videos of their progress. We also conducted French and English lessons, and once a week, we did cooking, a fun way to learn! We also made flyers that we hung around the city or posted on social media.

My volunteer work at Impress had a significant impact both for the association and for myself. The workshops and programs I helped organize enabled many young people in Daruvar to acquire new skills and boost their self-confidence. Collaboration with the association members and other volunteers offered me an enriching perspective on teamwork and cultural diversity.

On a personal level, this experience allowed me to develop skills in English and in managing children. It also offered me a unique immersion into Croatian culture, allowing me to discover and appreciate its traditions and way of life. However, in one month, I still have a lot to learn.

My volunteer work in Daruvar with the Impress association was an incredible and formative experience. I not only contributed to meaningful projects for the local community but also acquired valuable skills and discovered a fascinating culture. I am deeply grateful for this opportunity and highly encourage those looking to engage and make a difference to consider international volunteering. It is a life-changing adventure that offers invaluable lessons.

Post Author: Gazmir