Reading, a way to make you happier

In my exploration of the article “Can reading make you happier?” from The New Yorker, I discovered the fascinating link between reading and overall hapiness.

One of the most compelling points in the article highlights how reading allows us to step into the lives of different characters and cultures. This experience helps

to foster empathy, enabling us to understand and connect with others on a deeper level. I found this particularly resonant; developing empathy can enhance our relationships and ultimately, our happiness.

During volunteering experience in Impress Efe Yalabikoglu with the support of the Impress team organized book club day in order to connect different age groups with the desire for reading,

learning and connecting and sharing with each other. This experience was a great moment for me to realise this idea and read, connect and share between people about reading and the feelinmgs that the reading process creates between people.

By imersing ourselves in literature, we open ourselves to personal growth and the possibility of a more joyful life.


Post Author: Gazmir