S velikim uzbuđenjem predstavljamo inspirativni video, koji su kreirali naši posvećeni ESC volonteri, kao dio kampanje #TimeToMove. U ovom dirljivom videu, naši mladi volonteri dijele svoja transformativna iskustva iz volontiranja […]
Autor: Gazmir
Kreiraj svoj put
U sklopu kampanje Time to Move, 17. listopada 2024. godine, održali smo informativne aktivnosti u suradnji s Osnovnom školom Đulovac. Cilj ove aktivnosti bio je približiti mladima sjajne prilike koje […]
Ispuni upitnik i sudjeluj u mogućnosti osvajanja nagradnog vaučera od 50 eura!
Imate između 13 i 35 godina i živite u Europskoj uniji, Islandu, Lihtenštajnu, Norveškoj, Sjevernoj Makedoniji, Turskoj, Srbiji, Švicarskoj, Gruziji ili Ukrajini? Onda je ovo prilika koju ne želite propustiti! […]
Europski vrt mogućnosti na Sajmu cvijeća u Daruvaru
Subota, 19. listopada, bila je ispunjena aktivnostima i pozitivnom energijom na Sajmu cvijeća u Daruvaru, gdje je naš štand ponudio informacije o Time to Move kampanji te brojne interaktivne aktivnosti […]
Why Going Abroad is Life-Changing
I’m Ninon from France and just took few months of volunteering in my country and then abroad. These experiences have taught me a lot about how stepping out […]
FAITH project, AI tool testing phase
The FAITH Project partners came together for an online meeting to kick off the highly anticipated AI tool testing phase. Representatives from IMPRESS, APG, and Inercia Digital connected virtually to […]
Volunteering; A life changing experience
Reading, a way to make you happier
In my exploration of the article “Can reading make you happier?” from The New Yorker, I discovered the fascinating link between reading and overall hapiness. One of the most compelling […]
The world of the animation and volunteering
I’m Enzo and was born in Tarbes in France, since I was 3 years old I have been passionate about fishing. About two years ago I left for Toulouse […]
Volunteering, a new path for contribution in community
I am Chanelle Corcia from France volunteer at Udruga Impress, recently graduated on a bachelor’s degree in psychology, gaining an in-depth understanding of human behavior, cognitive processes, […]