Impress in cooperation with five partner schools from Austria, Greece, France, Poland, and Turkey just started a high-level project for the schools with the topic, “ Power of digitalization in fighting climate change”.

The partner organizations are in an ongoing meeting in Lodi Italy from 13-17 February and this is the first step of this project. This project will last for 31 months. Impress is represented by executive director Dubravko Sopar and cooperant school IV. osnovna škola Bjelovar with Branko Raickovic in this first phase of the project.

The next meeting of the organization partners will be in Daruvar and Bjelovar from 26 march to 1 April 2023 where 4 teachers each from Italy, Greece, Poland, and Turkey and 2 trainers each from Austria and France will hold the mobility.

The aim of this project is to create awareness among the pupils, teachers, and trainers through interdisciplinary methods of teaching to find solutions to environmental problems. First, digital skills are valued and in the future, they will be vital they can be used through innovative web tools to create the best solutions for environmental problems. Second, to motivate the pupils to acquire digital skills integrated with environmental issues. The last is to motivate colleagues from partner organizations to use the opportunities of technology while producing solutions for a better environment actively in an interdisciplinary way. The main target group of these projects is the students between 13-16 years old, teachers, and trainers of the partner organizations.

The partners of the project met with the Mayor of Lodi Andrea Furegato. They introduced the mayor to the objectives of this project and the impact that this project aims to bring in schools to raise awareness and develop competencies in using digital skills to find solutions for environmental problems and also strengthen the cooperation in this field between countries that are part of this project.

The results of this project are;  a website, brochure, e-book, eTwinning space, published articles, documentary films, Taskade, Wisemapping, Pecha Kucha, Facebook page, and open source OER. With the project, each school will meet innovative teaching and learning platforms, and the pupils and the teachers will have an international perspective and one more experience of the taste of creating new things and materials with their friends from other cultures for developing solutions ways on climate change.


Post Author: Gazmir