A story of reflection by Mariam

It was the beginning of when I knew Mariam but I met her through her CV, it is a weird way to know someone but it is something that it happens. She was the future volunteer of Impress that would join us and bring her energy with us, something that I also felt through her CV, so weird again to know someone in this way but what happened after a few days surprised me when Mariam arrived in Impress and all the qualities that I met through a paper somehow become exactly the real her, it was a mindblowing how it can be known a person that way.

It is something that happens and knowing her she shows her character she says, she is a hardworking person who when she takes responsibility for something never gives up whatever barrier can come on her way.

Mariam says that what makes her different is the way how she thinks about problems and how she deals with them, she likes to work with people and cooperate with anyone who has ideas so in this way she believes as a team everything can be done because when we gather for a mission or idea it always gets better and productivity is high when we believe that big things can be done.

Also for her is a very important thing that after all the work in life or at any moment, day, month, after a success or a failure, which for her is not an option, she reflects on it and this is so important and part of her life journey 

This is how she sees the reflection about life   “ I reflect on my life, I would find that I am constantly experimenting. If we think about what an experiment is, I would say that it is a kind of risk. If you want to try something and experiment, you do not know what the result will be, you just have to try, otherwise, you will never understand what your possibilities are.” 

 She adds, “If you ask me what experience I have, I’ll just say that the greatest experiment I have done is my experience as a volunteer in Narva. Do you know why? When I decided to take on this project, I realized that I would have to turn down two other projects, give up my job, my apartment in the capital, and everything I have built over the last 10 years. In another situation, that would not be a big risk, but in the time of the pandemic, you never know what will happen.”

Then she goes on, “As you know it was Covid-19 and the pandemic had an impact on everything, there was no flight and no exact answer from any organization I was associated with, I was just supposed to take a risk and be very positive. I gave up everything, left my old life behind, and came to Estonia. it happened and it went very well. What I want to say in conclusion is that if you want to become more successful, and experienced and have your own life, you should do an experiment, it always works.”

But hey she knows that people are not perfect but they should upgrade and somehow adapt to the different situations and be flexible. She says that we are different and have to try to understand the other person and see things from their perspective also.

Then she says with a smile that if you want to deal with me you should be prepared because I can be hard to be followed not because I will attack you but because I am obsessed with work and details that everything is curated so well and nothing missing there in any situation of life, so be prepared for this if you want to work with me or be around me.

For her if you want to become more successful, and experienced and have your own life, you should do an experiment and work hard, it always works. 

 Mariam brings up the qualities that youngsters should aim for, be hardworking and follow their dream so this way they can achieve the biggest success that they have ever been thinking about and so can feel fulfilled why not her story can be your inspiration to become who you want to be.

Post Author: Gazmir