New Path for the Youth Work

We are excited to announce the launch of the FAITH (Facilitating Artificial Intelligence TecHnology in Youth Work) project, a groundbreaking collaboration between Impress, APG from Italy, and Inercia Digital from […]

Millennium Fellowship Class of 2023

The United Nations Academic Impact and MCN proudly present the Millennium Fellowship.  This program convenes, challenges, and celebrates student leadership for UN goals. In 2021, 2,000+ Millennium Fellows collectively advanced […]


Danas su naše “super djevojčice” nastupile u povorci povodom maskenbala koji je uspješno organiziran od strane Grada Daruvara i Turističke zajednice Daruvar-Papuk.  “Super djevojčice” promiču snagu vrijednosti, mira, zajedništva i […]

Cultural misunderstandings

I started looking for long-term volunteering projects during the summer of 2021, just after finishing my bachelor’s degree in Audiovisual Communication. The possibility of finding a job was more of […]