Christmas visits at elderly houses in Daruvar

The elderly are a critical group in society and serve as a connection between generations. To preserve this cohesion, we must take care of our elderly and bring some social joy and happiness in daily life.

Impress has its voice in this and as a team, we decided that this year we go into three different elderly houses and create there the Christmas spirit and interact with the elderly people, this way we make them feel included and same time we share some moments of joy and together open the celebration for Christmas.

The president of Impress was on this visit and she said: “We are here to bring the celebration of Christmas in your house and for us, as an association is crucial to do as much as we can for our elderly and take care of them because they are us and we are them and should be all together and help each other in order to move on and have a well-connected community“

The first visit was at the Pensioner’s home Ljudevita pl. Jankovic, the second visit was at Viane’s elderly house, and the thor visit was at Marijanovic’s elderly house. During the visit to Viane’s house the owner of the elderly house Ana Ivandekic was very pleased with this moment that we are sharing with the elderly. She said: “ We appreciate your visit to our elderly house and this means so much for the people who live here since they can’t have many opportunities to celebrate Christmas in a family space but we bring this atmosphere to them “

Mrs. Ivandekic added that she sees Impress as a cooperator and that at any time impress is there to give their contribution to the elderly and so much more and that this cooperation is great and that this way all together can make a better society.

During these visits, the Impress team and volunteers of the European Solidarity Corps prepared cards with the elderly, had a warm talk, and sing just as it has to be in the Christmas atmosphere when everyone is happy and full of joy. 

Impress will keep organizing activities for the elderly but not only for them but for everyone because we believe in inclusion and giving opportunities to everyone and making this society better day by day concluded the president of Impress Tanja Herceg.

At the end of visits, the elderly wished all a Merry Christmas and a happy new year, and the same way back wishes were for the elderly from Impress

Post Author: Gazmir