Training course in Szeged, Hungary

In order to create some intercultural exchange and to open a new vision for European youth and cooperation between generations, there are activities that are organized and financed by the European Commission.

This time youth from 18-30 years old are invited to participate in a Training course in Szeged, Hungary. The training course will take place from 06.02 – 12.02.2022.

You can apply here;

If you are between 18-30 years old don’t hesitate to apply for this training course where you can learn and develop some skills but also get to know Hungarian Culture and make connections.

This training course topic wants to develop the skills and attitude of young people, to strengthen European values and on the other sides to prevent prejudices. Creating a sense of participation and social responsibility is very important. During this training course, we will be provided with tools and ideas on how young people can contribute more to active participation and decision-making. 

Creating a European belonging also will be a topic covered during this training course so youth can also create an identity of European citizen and promote the values of being part of Europe.

Post Author: Gazmir