I didn’t have many life-changing experiences until I moved to college. In fact, most of the time I thought it was too late to do something. Staying away from social […]
Kategorija: Volontiranje
‘’Power of youth’’ youth exchange in Costinesti, Romania
Costinesti was the next stop for Impress as a partner organization, a group of youth who participated in the youth exchange with the topic of the power of youth. The […]
SDG Time youth exchange in Barcelona
Impress youth center participated in the youth exchange with the topic of SDG goals, and sustainable lifestyles. This project took place in Barcelona, Spain from 19-26 January. As partners in […]
Predstavljen projekt „Srcem za sve!“
Mladi predstavljaju neiscrpan izvor potencijala i snage našeg društva. U vremenima izazova i potresa, njihova podrška postaje ključna za obnovu i napredak. Upravo je to svijest koja pokreće Centar društvenih […]
There are some moments when we are down and we don’t believe in ourselves, we don’t believe that we can do better and this is a barrier that our mind […]
Christmas visits at elderly houses in Daruvar
The elderly are a critical group in society and serve as a connection between generations. To preserve this cohesion, we must take care of our elderly and bring some social […]
The golden desert
My story happened 3 years ago, during the warm and sunny month of November, in a desert … At this time, I was working as a videographer with a team […]
The clock of memories
The clock in my grandmother’s house runs one hour slowly. Always has. Always will. The books on the shelves are in the exact same place, and bookmarks never progress. In […]
Youth Exchange in Barcelona
You know that you can travel and learn at the same time and this European Commission can offer it to you and the best of all is that all expenses […]
Training course in Szeged, Hungary
In order to create some intercultural exchange and to open a new vision for European youth and cooperation between generations, there are activities that are organized and financed by the […]